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Found 544 results for any of the keywords honoris causa. Time 0.010 seconds.
Dr. Pradeep Chowbey pioneer laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi, IndiaDoctor of Science (Honoris Causa)
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Michael E. Porter - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliureMichael E. Porter (Ann Arbor, Michigan 1947) és un economista estatunidenc que se centra en temes d'economia i administració d'empreses.
Raphael Mechoulam - WikipediaIsrael Prize (2000) EMET Prize (2012) Rothschild Prize (2012) Heinrich Wieland Prize (2004)
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Burrhus Frederic Skinner - WikipediaEn 1948, escribe'l llibru Walden Dos.
Keio UniversityKeio University is a leading research university committed to excellence and innovation in education, research and medicine. It is located in central Tokyo.
LAL CHAND DERAWALA - Hand Block Print Bagru Print, Bagru PrintDr. Lalchand Chhipa ( Derawala) is a National award winner artisan who has been actively working to uplift the roots of hand block print bagru print
Bircham International University - English - Distance Learning UniverBircham International University was created in 1992 as a consequence of the failure of formal education to address the real pedagogical requirements of adult distance learning higher education. Bircham International Uni
Oliver Günther - WikipediaGünther has served as a consultant and board member to various government agencies and high-tech companies. He was chairman of the board of Poptel AG, Germany's first voice-over-IP company, and chief technology officer o
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